Polio Inoculation Trip to Caborca-Mexico.
February / 13-18 / 2020.
Team Members: 
Hubert Singh, Ross Newkirk, Doug Vincent, Grace Vincent, Ave Edington, Paul Walman, Vijay Tangri, Sajjad Jiwaji.
Our Mexico Transport Captain: 
Ruben Castro (Caborca Rotary Club)
The whole Team meet up in Tucson-Arizona at Double Tree Hilton on morning of Thursday ,Feb/14th, for land transport to Nogales - Mexico.
Arrive in Nogales & met by our Mexican Rotarian hosts at Mcdonalds on American side & walk across the Mexican border by foot.
Had lunch at wonderful Mexican restaurant, in company of Mexican rotarians, before getting on our shuttle driven by our very good friend, guide, translator & expert driver  RUBEN CASTRO, all the way to Caborca & back. He was kind enough to even escort us across the border.
Checked in at Hotel Posada in Caborca, & spend our Friday evening being hosted by the Caborca Rotarians and their spouses at their club house, in company of the American rotarians  with a typical Mexican BBQ.(Tacos, Tequila,Tecata )
On Saturday morning, its our main event, which everyone is excited about & looking forward to. Gathered at Public Health Centre for a welcome speech & training.
Canadian team climb into our shuttle & drive to small village of Al Almeida, on outskirts of Caborca, where we administered our Polio inoculations to the children of village. The Americans go to a different place.
For myself, a very  humbling  & satisfying experience, inspite of my 3rd trip to the same village. Just presenting a few pencils &  lolipops, brings out the biggest & brightest happiest SMILES on the children faces, & that is the most satisfying & humbling & heart warming experience one can feel at this time.
Those villagers are very poor, yet they seem full of happiness, very content & peaceful, & most of all very grateful & appreciative for us being there.
We then drive to a seaside fishing village of DESEMBIQUE, for a memorable seaside lunch on an even beautiful location of Sea of Cortez. 
Menu: Freshly grilled huge Red snapper, tacos, soft drinks & of course Tecata.
In the evening we gather again at the Caborca clubhouse, for a Thank you speech & presentation, & mixing & mingling with all Rotarians from America, Mexico & Canada, & music & dancing. Great Fellowship.
A few examples of how Rotary has changed a few lives are presented such as a girl who was deaf but now can hear. Thank you ROTARY.
Sunday morning early departure to Caborca city for pedestrian painting of a main intersection on Caborca street. Intersection blocked of by Police & we had lots of fun, fellowship, laughter & great comradry between the Caborca Rotarians & spouses, & the Canadian team whilst painting the 4 point intersection & painting the ROTARY name & LOGO in Blue & Yellow, right in the middle. Where in the world can one be allowed to do that!! The final result was amazing to see.
Had some free time in afternoon for rest & relaxation, after which we had a Official Project meeting with the Caborca Rotarians, before they threw us a farewell party at their clubhouse. The incoming District Governor & his wife were also present as they had driven 7 hours to be here. It was a great honour.
Lots of music, singing & fellowship, before we all bid farewell.
PS: If one wants to really see & feel what ROTARY really does, I strongly suggest you go on one of these trips. 
Not only do you feel good about doing good, but one also makes new friends.